Culture | Branch | Tradition | Ware | Type |
Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley | Northern Rio Grande | Pecos | Pecos Glaze Ware |
First posted by C. Dean Wilson
Trends associated with glaze ware pottery common through much of the long occupation at Pecos have long been the subject of study (Kidder and Shepard 1936; Powell). The characterization and classification of glaze pottery from sites at Pecos as compared to those in other areas of the Northern Rio Grande have resulted in parallel classifications of the long sequence of pottery of pottery from different regions of the Rio Grande based on changes in rim shape documenting the gradual change in variability and thickness of rim shape or bowls through time. (Kidder and Shepard 193; Mera 19330). Interestingly, the two parallel systems of classification are still utilized by researchers in different areas of the Rio Grande with those in Rio Grande still using Kidder’s original nomenclature of Glaze I-VI rather than the Mera series Glaze through commonly used in other areas of the Northern and Middle Rio Grande region. Shepard’s use of petrographic analysis on glaze pottery associated with different occupational periods at Pecos indicated the earliest glaze pottery tempered with crushed igneous rock indicative of production in the Galisteo regions at Pecos Pueblo (Shepard 1942). Our examinations of temper associated with glaze wares from the Pecos type collections supports these earlier observations as almost all the sherds assigned to Kidders Glaze I and II are tempered with crushed igneous rock indicative of production in the Galisteo Basin. This contrast with later periods (particularly the periods particularly during the middle part of glaze ware production when the great majority of glaze wares exhibit sand temper indicative of local production (Shepard 1942). Again, this is supported by our observations of the Pecos type collections where almost all the rim sherds assigned to Kidders Glaze III are later are tempered with sand. Beginning some time during the sixteenth century glaze wares from Pecos are more widely distributed. Thus, trends, noted during studies of pottery from Pecos (Kidder and Shepard ; Shepard) concerning glaze ware forms at Pecos associated with periods in which large amounts of pottery were produced at this site are briefly discussed here. One other type included in the following descriptions is Pecos Glaze Polychrome whose definition is based on observations that the distribution of pottery exhibiting characteristics attributed to this type seems to be limited to Pecos Pueblo and adjacent areas (Mera 1933).
© New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.
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Santa Fe, NM 87507
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