Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande ValleyNorthern Rio GrandePecosPecos Glaze WareGlaze VI Bichrome(Pecos Valley) (F)

Type Name: Glaze VI Bichrome(Pecos Valley) (F)

Period: 1640 A.D. - 1720 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley
Branch: Northern Rio Grande
Tradition: Pecos
Ware: Pecos Glaze Ware

Pottery assigned to this category as defined here refers to locally produced sand tempered pottery at Pecos Pueblo exhibiting rim forms and associated decorations used by Kidder (1936) to defined Glaze VI as well as a subset of Glaze F types defined Mera (1933) including Kotyiti Polychrome. Bowl rims are increasingly narrow and even across the entire profile which is often reflected by a sharp vertical angle or keel commonly evident in vessel and sherd profiles of seventeenth century ceramic types.

Pottery exhibiting characteristics of Glaze F can be usually considered exhibiting a two-colored or bichrome although in rare instances a polychrome effect may occur. Surface of slip color is extremely variable and is commonly reflected by examples exhibiting a white, yellow, brown, and deep red slip. These slips tend to be uneven, washy and streaky. The glaze is thickly and unevenly applied and very runt, and design motifs or often difficlut to determine.

Kidder, Alfred V.
1936 The Pottey of Peocs, Volume II Glaze Paint, Culinary, and Other Wares. Papers of the Phillips Academy No.7, New Haven.

Mera, H. P.
1933 A Proposed Revision of the Rio Grande Glaze Paint Sequence. Laboratory of Anthropology Technical Series Bulletin No. 5. Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Glaze VI bowl sherds (interior surface)

Glaze VI bowl sherds (exteror surface)