Culture | Branch | Tradition | Ware | Type |
Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley | Southern Rio Grande | Middle Rio Grande | Puname District Polychrome Ware | Ranchitos Polychrome |
Type Name: Ranchitos Polychrome |
Period: | 1760 A.D. - 1825 A.D. |
Culture: | Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley |
Branch: | Southern Rio Grande |
Tradition: | Middle Rio Grande |
Ware: | Puname District Polychrome Ware |
First posted by Wilson 2014
Ranchitos Polychrome was defined by Harlow (1967). This type refers to the earliest pottery produced at Santa Ana Pueblo beginning at about A.D. 1725 that can be distinguished from contemporaneous polychrome types based on the presence of sand temper. Pottery assigned to this type was derived from and is similar to San Pablo Polychrome produced in the Zia area by the light colored sand temper and a deep orange red paste (Ferg 1985; Harlow 1973; Harlow and Lammnon 1973). Slips are white and streaky.
Rims on vessels associated with this type made before 1800 tend to covered with red pigments while those made after this time are most likely to covered with a black pigment (Harlow and others 2005). Most vessels consist of jars with globular bodies and short narrowing undecorated necks and slightly elongated bases. Designs include curvilinear arcs, volutes, spirals, and step triangles and feather motifs often with a great deal of or openness between designs. Decorations executed in red pigment are often, but not always, framed by thin back lines. These motifs are organized into bold and flowing repeating bands composed of intricate black designs. Contrast or created by combinations of solid red or dot fill that is often framed by black lines and more intricate black lines. Open decorated bands cover a out half the jar exterior. The banded design is thinner than that noted on later forms (Santa Ana Polychrome). The very short neck below the rim does not exhibit painted decorations. The lower black framing lines and red lines near the based are separated by a much wider undecorated white slipped area without painted decorations than later forms. Together this creates a series of relatively thick white bands between the decorated area in the middle and red slipped areas along the rim and just above the base.
Ferg, Allan
1984 Historic Archaeology on the San Antonio De Las Huetas Grant, Sandoval Count, New Mexico. Casas Papers No. 4, Complet e Archaeological Service Associates, Cortez.
Harlow, Francis H.
1967 Historic Pueblo Indian Pottery, Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe.
1973 Matte Paint Pottery of the Tewa, Keres, and Zuni Pueblos. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Harlow, Francis H., Duane Anderson, and Dwight P. Lammon
2005 The Pottery of Santa Ana Pueblo. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe.
© New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.
The Center for New Mexico Archaeology
7 Old Cochiti Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Fax: 505-476-4448