Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande ValleySouthern Rio GrandeMiddle Rio GrandeMiddle-Southern Rio Grande Glaze WareKuaua Glaze Polychrome

Type Name: Kuaua Glaze Polychrome

Period: 1425 A.D. - 1550
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley
Branch: Southern Rio Grande
Tradition: Middle Rio Grande
Ware: Middle-Southern Rio Grande Glaze Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2014

Kuaua Glaze Polychrome was defined by Mera (1933). This type exhibits characteristics that may influences from both San Clemente Polychrome and Espinosa Polychrome. Rims are thickened and sharply beveled and exhibit shapes similar to that described for Espinosa Polychrome (Franklin 2007). Kuaua Glaze Polychrome was named for the similarly named Ruin at Coronado State Park where distinct pottery with similarities to Espinosa Polychrome and earlier glaze forms were produced during the fifteenth and early sixteenth century.

Areal variation in overall vessel and rim form during the period in which Espinosa Glaze C was produced is reflected by distinct bowl rim shapes that were used to define Kuaua Glaze Polychrome (Mera 1933). The rim diameter is smaller than the maximum bowl diameter and the rim curves inward and then ends in a sharply slanted or beveled lip (Franklin 2007). Painted decorations in Kuaua Glaze Polychrome are limited to the exterior bowl surface. Painted styles are similar to those noted for Espinosa Polychrome. Very often pottery assigned to this type is red on the interior and white-slipped on the exterior.

Franklin, Hayward H.
2007 The Pottery of Pottery Mound: A Study of the 1979 UNM Field Collection, Part 1: Typology and Chronology. Maxwell Museum Technical Series 5. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Mera, H. P.
1933 A Proposed Revision of the Rio Grande Glaze Paint Sequence. Laboratory of Anthropology Technical Series Bulletin No. 5. Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Kuaua Glaze Polychrome bowl sherds (interior surface)

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