Culture | Branch | Tradition | Ware | Type |
Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon | Greater Salado | Upper Gila (Highland Salado) | Maverick Mountain Polychrome Ware | Tucson / Maverick Mountain Polychrome |
Type Name: Tucson / Maverick Mountain Polychrome |
Period: | 1275 A.D. - 1450 A.D. |
Culture: | Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon |
Branch: | Greater Salado |
Tradition: | Upper Gila (Highland Salado) |
Ware: | Maverick Mountain Polychrome Ware |
First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2014
Tucson Polychrome was defined by Hayden (1957). This type appears to be the second most common decorated type in Salado period sites in Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona (Franklin 1980; Wilson 1998). This type appears to have been produced from about A.D. 1275 to 1450.
Paste characteristics in examples of Tucson Polychrome from sites in western New Mexico reflect the use of high iron self-tempered clays with fine volcanic particles similar to that noted in locally made Salado Polychrome and Utility Ware types (Wilson 1998). Decorated surfaces are covered with a deep-red well-polished surface. Vessel forms are dominated by jars although bowls occur. Decorations are in a black mineral paint sometimes with broad line and hachured motifs that are outlined in thin white lines (Wilson 1998; Woods 1987). Other design elements may include stepped triangles, squares, frets, and dotted bands. The combination of these pigments over a dark red slip creates a dramatic tri-colored effect with strong and dramatic contrast between the dark slip and paint colors and white clay paint. While for late Salado assemblages, Maverick Mountain Polychrome is sometimes further distinguished from Tucson Polychrome based on the presence of hachured designs, pottery assigned to the two styles seem to represent variations of a single type and are included together in a single category for the vessels illustrated and described here.
Franklin, Hayward H.
1980 Excavation at Second Canyon Ruin, San Pedro Valley, Arizona. Arizona State Museum Contributions to Highway Salvage Archeology in Arizona 60. University of Arizona, Tucson.
Hayden, Julius D.
1957 Excavations 1940, at University Ruin. Southwestern Monuments Associations Technical Series Vol. 5, Gila Pueblo, Globe.
Wilson, C. Dean
1998 Ormand Ceramic Analysis Part I: Methodology and Categories. In The Ormand Village: Final Report on the 1965-1966 Excavation, by L.T. Wallace, pp 195-252, Office of Archaeological Studies Archaeology Notes 229, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Wood, J. Scott
1987 Checklist of Pottery Types for the Tonto National Forest: An Introduction to the Archaeological Ceramics of Central Arizona. The Arizona Archaeologist No. 21. The Arizona Archaeological Society, Phoenix.
© New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.
The Center for New Mexico Archaeology
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Santa Fe, NM 87507
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