Culture | Branch | Tradition | Ware | Type |
Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi) | Western Anasazi | Tusayan (Kayenta) | Tusayan White Ware |
First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012
Tusayan or Kayenta White Ware types refer to the long sequence of production of organic painted white wares over large areas of the Tusayan region that include Black Mesa and the Hopi Mesa. Tusayan White Ware types were defined by Colton and Hargrave (1937). Tusayan White Wares are easily distinguished by the long use of organic paint, an unslipped light gray paste, and quartz sand temper. Sequences of design styles noted in Tusayan white ware types are similar to those noted in Little Colorado white ware types, but, while analogous are distinct from those noted in regions of the Colorado Plateau. The sequence of pottery as first displayed by precisely executed lines and later by intricately filled designs spaces consistently displays a remarkable level of execution. The long sequence of pottery distinguished by a remarkable contrast between white unslipped surfaces and black organic paint spanned from about A.D. 600 to 1350, and were gradually replaced by orange and yellow wares still produced on the Hopi Mesas.
© New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.
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7 Old Cochiti Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Fax: 505-476-4448