Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi)Eastern (Mountain) AnasaziJemezJemez White WareJemez (Colono Ware) Black-on-white / White

Type Name: Jemez (Colono Ware) Black-on-white / White

Period: 1620 A.D. - 1700 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi)
Branch: Eastern (Mountain) Anasazi
Tradition: Jemez
Ware: Jemez White Ware

A challenge encountered during the dating and characterization of decorated black-on-white pottery in the Jemez region, is the lack of change during the very long span (A.D. 1300 to 1700)during which similar decorated white ware pottery vessel were produced (Reiter 1938). This includes those produced during the Spanish Colonial period during which decorated pottery similar to that long produced by Jemez potters, continued to be manufactured until the cessation of the production of decorated pottery by Jemez potters after the Pueblo revolt. The great majority of locally produced pottery from Jemez Pueblo Colonial period components, that appears to be identical to Jemez Black-on-white forms produced during earlier periods (Lambert 1981). An exception are painted and unpainted slipped white wares exhibiting shapes indicative of European influence. Such forms are briefly discussed and illustrated here given their importance in the identification, documentations and understanding of occupations dating to the Spanish Colonial periods. These forms include soup plates, cups, and ecclesiastic items. Painted designs are either absent as in the case of pottery characterized as Jemez White and a combination of designs derived from Jemez Black-on-white and late glaze ware designs that often include widely spaced lines and solid designs that include triangles, step triangles, ticked lines and dots.

Reiter, Paul
1938 The Jemez Pueblo of Unshagi, New Mexico, with Notes on the Earlier Excavations at Amoxiumqua and Giusewa, Monographs of the School of American Research. 6. University of New Mexico and the School of American Research, Santa Fe

Lambert Marjorie
1981 Spanish Influence on the Pottery of San Jose de Los Jemez and Guiusewa. In Collected Papers in Honor of Erick Kellerman Reed, edited by A. H. Schroeder, pp. 215-236. Archaeological Society of New Mexico 6, Albuquerque.

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Jemez Unpainted white soup plate

Jemez Black-on-white shop plate and cup