Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi)Eastern (Mountain) AnasaziJemez

Tradition Name: Jemez

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2014

Pottery assigned to Jemez tradition types include a small number of types known to have been produced by Towa speaking groups directly ancestral to the modern Pueblo of Jemez. This area is mainly defined archaeologically by the distribution of Jemez Black-on-white pottery occurring in the lower Jemez River and the southern Jemez Plateau (Elliot 1989). While the Jemez region is commonly included with Rio Grande ceramic traditions it is included here with traditions assigned to the Mountain Anasazi branch. The white ware pottery is characterized by forms exhibiting dark pastes covered with a distinct white slip and decorations in organic paint indicative of pottery known to have been produced in the Jemez region (Mera 1935). Gray wares are similar to those known to have been produced in the Northern Rio Grande region with the addition of dark pastes and distinct temper.

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