Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonJornada MogollonNorthern Jornada (Sierra Blanca)Salinas Plain WareTabira Plain White

Type Name: Tabira Plain White

Period: 1580 A.D. - 1620 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon
Branch: Jornada Mogollon
Tradition: Northern Jornada (Sierra Blanca)
Ware: Salinas Plain Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson

Tabira Plain was first defined by Tulouse (1949). This type exhibits similar pastes and temper as noteded for Tabira Black-on-white, but are not painted and exhbit a different range of vessel forms. Surface color ranges from a gray to white color, and exhbits darkerd steaks, that appear to have resulted from the polishing of a thin slip or wash (Vivian 1964). As is the case for Salinas Red, vessel forms are commonly represented by Spanish-influenced forms including soup-plates and candlesticks. Other forms include ollas, bowls, seed jars, and flat bottom jars with handles. Given vessels assigned to this type are more similar to Salinas Red than white wares produced in this region, this type was assined to Salinas Plain Ware rather than a white ware tradition. It is important to note, however, that similar polished white wares have been noted at seventeenth century contexts at Pecos Ruin. Similarities between posttery assigned to Tabira Plain unpainted white slipped pottery produced in villages along the Rio Abajo (see description Valencia White) may link these traditions. The long production of unpainted slipped bowls and soup bowls may indicate connections and relationships between pottery traditions noted for the Salinas Pueblos and those later documented for eighteenth and ninettenth century Southern Tiwa (Isleta and Sandia) and Hispanic in theRio Abajo region were .

Toulouse, Joseph H., Jr
1949 The Mission of Gan Gregorio de Abo. School of American Researh Series No. 13. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Vivian, Gordon
1964 Excavations in a 17th Century Jumano Pueblo, Gran Quivira. National Park Service Archaeological Research Series, No. 8, Washington.

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Tabria Plain White