Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonMogollon HighlandsMogollon-MimbresMogollon Brown WareReserve Incised Corrugated/Smudged

Type Name: Reserve Incised Corrugated/Smudged

Period: 1050 A.D. - 1250 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon
Branch: Mogollon Highlands
Tradition: Mogollon-Mimbres
Ware: Mogollon Brown Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012

Reserve Corrugated was defined by Nesbitt (1939) and Reserve Incised Corrugated was further differentiated by Rinaldo and Bluhm (1956). Reserve Incised Corrugated was produced at the same time as other corrugated forms spanning much of the Reserve and Tularosa phases or from about A.D. 1050 to 1250.

Reserve Incised Corrugated is defined by treatments similar to those described for Reserve corrugated types, but with the addition of incised decorations (Rinaldo and Bluhm 1956; Wilson 1999). Incised lines are usually thin and somewhat shallow but easily identified. Incised lines range from 2 to 4 mm in width. Wear patterns associated with these lines indicate that most of these were made with a solid thin tool, although the presence of thin parallel striations indicates a few were created using a softer fibrous brushlike tool. The effect created by incising plain corrugated surfaces somewhat loosely resembles that noted for indented corrugated, although actual indentations created by incised lines are thinner and more linear, and spacing between compressed or incised areas is wider. Patterns created by indented lines are fairly consistent and include a series of parallel lines going vertically or angling down from the rim. Spacing between parallel lines measures from 4 to 30 mm apart and averages 9.6 mm. The orientation of these lines is often parallel or angular to the unobliterated coils, creating a series of hachured patterns framed by these lines. In rare cases, incised lines were embellished with a series of evenly spaced short lines or ticks. Within the overall vessel, parallel lines may intersect, creating larger patterns of nested triangles, cross-hatching, stepped elements, zigzags, and rectilinear patterns. There is consistency in designs represented in incised corrugated pottery found in the Mogollon Highlands because Reserve Incised Corrugated appears to represent a fairly unique and uniform type. In some cases, indented and punched decorations occur together to create a single effect. Other traits, including width of coils and fillet width, are identical to those noted in plain corrugated not exhibiting incised treatment. While incised corrugated forms also occur in Anasazi types, they are much rarer, and the relative common the occurrence of this decoration in assemblages in the Upland Southwest may be unique to northern Mogollon brown utility ware types. Reserve Incised Corrugated Smudged exhibits similar combinations of corrugated and incised exterior treatments as well as highly polished and smudged interiors.

Nesbitt, Paul
1938 Starkweather Ruin. Logan Museum Publications in Anthropology, Bulletin 6, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.

Rinaldo, John B., and Elaine Bluhm
1956 Late Mogollon Pottery Types of the Reserve Area. Fieldiana: Anthropology 36 (7):149-187.

Wilson, C. Dean
1999 Ceramic Types and Attributes. In Archaeology of the Mogollon Highlands Settlement Systems and Adaptations; Volume 4. Ceramics, Miscellaneous Artifacts, Bioarchaeology. Bone Tools and Faunal Analysis, edited by Y.R Oakes and D.A. Zamora, pp 5-86. Office of Archaeological Studies Archaeology Notes 232, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

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