Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonMogollon HighlandsMogollon-MimbresMogollon Brown WareThree Circle Neckcoiled

Type Name: Three Circle Neckcoiled

Period: 800 A.D. - 1000 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon
Branch: Mogollon Highlands
Tradition: Mogollon-Mimbres
Ware: Mogollon Brown Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012

Three Circle Neckcoiled, as described here, refers to pottery originally defined by Haury (1936) as Three Circle Neck Corrugated. Pottery assigned to this type was defined by combinations of characteristics similar to those noted for Alma Neckbanded but with thinner coils (Haury 1936; Wilson 1999). The great majority of examples assigned to this type appear to be derived from cooking/storage jars. Three Circle neck corrugated appeared during the San Francisco phase and is most common at sites dating to the subsequent Three Circle phase and this type appears to have been produced from about A.D. 800 to 1000. Trace frequencies of sherds sometimes assigned to this type occur at later contexts but this appears simply to reflect variation associated with plain corrugated types.

The term "Neckcoiled" seems to more appropriate than neck corrugated due to the shape and lack of indentations noted for these coils. Brown wares exhibiting corrugated treatments or extremely fine coils that were limited to the neck area were still assigned to corrugated types. Three Circle neck coiled displays characteristics that are intermediate between those noted in Alma Neckbanded and Reserve Plain Corrugated. Junctures between all rows of coils are distinct. Coils are usually unpolished, although occasional polished examples were noted. The majority of the interior surfaces were polished, while a minority of sherds assigned to this type was polished over the coils on the exterior surface. There is less likely to be a difference in thickness between the top and lower coils. Coil manipulations used to define Three Circle neck coiled are limited to the upper portions of vessels.

Haury, Emil W.
1936 Some Southwestern Pottery Types. Medallion Papers No. 19, Gila Pueblo, Globe.

Wilson, C. Dean
1999 Ceramic Types and Attributes. In Archaeology of the Mogollon Highlands Settlement Systems and Adaptations; Volume 4. Ceramics, Miscellaneous Artifacts, Bioarchaeology. Bone Tools and Faunal Analysis, edited by Y.R Oakes and D.A. Zamora, pp 5-86. Office of Archaeological Studies Archaeology Notes 232, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

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Three Circle Neck Coiled jar

Three Circle Neck Coiled jar

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