Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi)Central AnasaziSouthern CibolaZuni-Acoma Glaze WareHeshotauthla Black-on-red - Polychrome

Type Name: Heshotauthla Black-on-red - Polychrome

Period: 1275 A.D. - 1400 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi)
Branch: Central Anasazi
Tradition: Southern Cibola
Ware: Zuni-Acoma Glaze Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012

Heshotauthla Glaze Polychrome was named by Kidder and Amsden( 1931). Similar pottery but without decorations on bowl exteriors have been assigned to Heshotauthla Black-on-red. These types are distinguished from the St Johns types by decorations executed in a glaze pigment (Dittert and Plog 1989; Huntley 2008; Lammon and Harlow 2008; Reed 1955; Woodbury and Woodbury 1966). Pottery assigned to Heshotauthla Polychrome and Black-on-red appears to have been produced from the late thirteenth to early fourteenth century.

Pastes of pottery assigned to these types are fine in texture and gray, pink to buff in color. Temper consists of fragments of white, gray, pink to yellowish crushed sherd. Both surfaces of bowls are covered with a thick highly polished red to orange slip. Most examples assigned to this type represent curved bowls with straight rims, while about a third of the sherds are from jar forms. While surfaces and design treatments are similar to those noted for St Johns Polychrome, designs are applied in green to black well controlled glaze paint and foreshadow the effect noted on early Rio Grande glaze ware types such as represented by Los Padillas Glaze Polychrome from which later Rio Grande glaze ware types appear to have developed. Interior designs may have not been applied as often as in St Johns Polychrome and the curvilinear motif hatching appear to very rare. This type is also similar to Pinedale Polychrome except that interior designs tend to be organized in bands similar to that noted in the Puerco style. Designs are often laid out in a band divided into quarters. Designs include stepped lines, pendant dots, parallel lines, and solid triangles. Designs may cover most of the interior of bowls and create negative designs. Hatching may occur, but is rare.

Heshotauthla Black-on-red is distinguished from the polychrome form of this type solely based on exterior decorations in white paint similar to those noted for St Johns Polychrome. Exterior white lines tend to be thinner and are not as well executed as in St. Johns Polychrome. Black glaze paint is sometimes used on bowl exteriors to frame panel dividers. These exterior decorations include single lines near rim, zigzag lines, and large isolated elements.

Dittert, Alfred E, and Fred Plog
1980 Generations in Clay; Pueblo Pottery of the American Southwest. Northland Press, Flagstaff.

Huntley, Deborah H.
2008 Ancestral Zuni Glaze-Decorated Pottery: Viewing Pueblo IV Regional Organization through Ceramic Production and Exchange. The University of Utah Press, Tucson.

Kidder, Alfred V., and Charles A. Amsden
1931 The Pottery of Pecos, Volume I, The Dull-Paint Wares. Papers of the Southwestern Expedition, No. 5, Yale University Press, New Haven.

Lammon, Dwight P. and Francis H. Harlow
2008 The Pottery of Zuni Pueblo. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe.

Reed, Eric K.
1955 Painted Types and Zuni History. Southwest Journal of Anthropology 11(5):178-193.

Woodbury, Richard, and Nathalie F.S. Woodbury
1966 Appendix II: Decorated Pottery of the Zuni Area. In The Excavations of Hawikuh by Fredrick Webb Hodge: Report o the Hedricks-Hodge Expedition 1917-1923, edited by W Smith, R. B. Woodbury, and N.F. S. Woodbury, pp. 302-336. Contributions from the Museum of American Indian Heye Foundation Vol 20, New York.

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Heshotauthla Polychrome bowl sherds (interior surface)

Heshotauthla Polychrome bowl sherds (exterior surface)

Heshotauthla Black-on-red bowl

Heshotauthla Black-on-red bowl sherd (interior surface)

Heshotauthla Polychrome bowl sherd (exterior surface)

Heshotauthla Black-on-red bowl sherd (interior surface)

Heshotauthla Polychrome bowl sherds (exterior surface)