
Pottery assigned to Gallina tradition types reflect one of the most distinct and conservative pottery traditions known in the Southwest. The Gallina tradition encompasses the area of north-central New Mexico that straddles the Continental Divide. This region includes areas of the Chama River northwest of the Piedra Lumbre, primarily within the Gallinas River drainage. The Gallina region also includes the upper reaches of the Rio Puerco to the north, extending south to the town Cuba, and east to the western slopes of Jemez Mountains.

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white jar

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white effigy

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white effigy

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white jar

Gallina Black-on-white

(Misfired) Gallina Black-on-white jar

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white jar

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white jar

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white olla

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowl sherd

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowls

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white bowls

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white jars

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Black-on-white effigy

Gallina Black-on-white

Gallina Gray bowl

Gallina Gray-Striated-Neckbanded-Coiled-Punched-Corrugated

Gallina Fillet Gray olla

Gallina Gray-Striated-Neckbanded-Coiled-Punched-Corrugated

Gallina Smeared Banded Gray jar

Gallina Gray-Striated-Neckbanded-Coiled-Punched-Corrugated

Gallina Gray jar

Gallina Gray-Striated-Neckbanded-Coiled-Punched-Corrugated

Gallina Neckbanded

Gallina Gray-Striated-Neckbanded-Coiled-Punched-Corrugated