Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonChihuahuaCasas GrandesCasas Grandes Utility WareCasas Grandes (Convento) Plain and Textured

Type Name: Casas Grandes (Convento) Plain and Textured

Period: 700 A.D. - 1450 A..D
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon
Branch: Chihuahua
Tradition: Casas Grandes
Ware: Casas Grandes Utility Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2014

Convento brown ware types which are also referred to as Casas Grandes brown ware are tan in color. These types exhibit characteristics and variation similar to that noted on Mogollon brown ware types produced in the Mogollon Highlands to the north. Casas Grandes plain wares can have a variety of exterior surface treatments, including scoring, smoothing, polishing, incising, punched, and corrugated treatments.

DiPeso, Charles C., John B. Rinaldo, y Gloria C. Fenner
1974 Casas Grandes: A Fallen Trading Center of the Gran Chichimeca,Vol. 6: Ceramics and Shell. Amerind Foundation Publications 9(4–8). Northland Press, Flagstaff.

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