Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonChihuahuaCasas GrandesCasas Grandes Utility WarePlayas Incised Red - Brown

Type Name: Playas Incised Red - Brown

Period: 1100 A.D. - 1450 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon
Branch: Chihuahua
Tradition: Casas Grandes
Ware: Casas Grandes Utility Ware

Posted by C. Dean Wilson 2014

Playas Incised was defined by Sayles (1936). This type is distinguished from Playas Red by the presence of decorations in finely incised lines. This type occurs in sites in different regions of the Southwest, and this distribution may in part reflect the widespread distribution of Casa Grandes types that include Casas Grandes polychrome types. Playas Polychrome appears to have been produced from about A.D. 1100 to 1450.

Temper seems to consist of fine volcanic rock that may include tuff. Forms are mainly represented by jars. While surfaces are often covered with a red slip, portions of or even entire incised vessels may not be slipped (DePeso and others 1974). Examples with incised decorations over a red slipped area are described as Playas Red while those over unslipped areas can be described as Playas Brown. Most designs reflect thin incised lines resulting from the utilization of very thin tool with a rounded tip (Wiseman 2002). Incised designs commonly consist of multiple, nested, horizontal chevrons, commonly composed of short lines. Another pattern noted for this type consists of horizontal bands composed of a series of triangles. Each triangle is filled with multiple, parallel incised lines resulting in a hachured effect. Other designs may resemble fringes, and checkerboards. Other designs are created by the repetition of small evenly spaced punctuations. These include some that were neatly pressed and others that were jabbed or gouged resulting in a small trail of uneven relief around the punctuation. Areas around the indented and punctate areas were often but not always polished. It is assumed that many of the sherds that may be assigned to Playas Plain actually derived from Playas Incised vessels.

DiPeso, Charles C., John B. Rinaldo, y Gloria C. Fenner
1974 Casas Grandes: A Fallen Trading Center of the Gran Chichimeca,Vol. 6: Ceramics and Shell. Amerind Foundation Publications 9(4–8). Northland Press, Flagstaff.

Sayles, Edward B.
1936 Archaeological Survey of Chihuahua, Mexico. Medallion Paper 22. Gila Pueblo, Globe, Arizona.

Wiseman Regge N.
2002 The Fox Place: A Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Pithouse Village neare Roswell, New Mexico. Office of Archaeological Studies Archaeology Notes 234, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.

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Playas Incised Red jar

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