Type Name: Northern Rio Grande (Pojoaque) Neckbanded |
Period: | 850 A.D. - 1200 A.D. |
Culture: | Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley |
Branch: | Northern Rio Grande |
Tradition: | Greater Tewa Basin (Northern Tewa) |
Ware: | Northern Rio Grande Gray Ware |
First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012
Neckbanded Gray pottery produced in the valleys of the Northern Rio Grande region display textures created by partly unobliterated exterior coil junctures along the exterior of jar necks (McNutt 1969; Wilson 2005; 2010; 2013). While the distinct neckbanded jars produced in the Northern Rio Valley are usually not assigned to a specific type, an example of this pottery is illustrated under a provisional type described as Pojoaque Neckbanded by Peckham (1992). Forms exhibiting wide neckbanded treatments with pastes and sand temper have been noted at early Developmental sites in the Middle Rio Grande region but tend to be extremely rare (Wilson 2010). In contrast to neckbanded types produced in the Anasazi country, neck banded types most commonly occur at contexts in the Northern Rio Grande dating from the late ninth to the end of the twelfth century (Wilson 2005; 2013). This span reflects the period between the beginnings of pottery production in areas north of Santa Fe before the dominance of corrugated pottery at about A.D. 1200.
Almost all of the neckbanded pottery from Late Developmental sites in the Northern Rio Grande display dark gray to black pastes and micaceous granitic temper. Mica particles protrude through both surfaces creating a glittery effect over dark gray to brown surfaces. Neckbanded types from early Developmental sites in the Rio Grande exhibit a wide range of thickness, shape, and overlap of the associated coils (McNutt 1969). Coils are clearly separated by distinct junctures, that rests vertically to each other, and usually do not overlap. Pottery assigned to this type can be distinguished from Kana'a Neckbanded by the presence of micaceous granite temper and dark high iron pastes. Incised Neckbanded refers to forms similar to those noted for Wide Neckbanded, where the coil juncture has been incised emphasizing the space between coils. Wide Neckbanded Smeared is similar to the previously described type except the juncture between the coils has been partially obliterated. The area between coils is visible but reflected by an undulating or ribbed surface. This effect is similar to that noted for Sapawe Micaceous Washboard occurring in this area at much later Classic phase components.
McNutt, Charles H.
1969 Early Puebloan Occupations at Tesuque By-Pass and in the Upper Rio Grande Valley. Anthropological Paper No.40. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Peckham, Stewart
1992 From This Earth: The Ancient Art of Pueblo Pottery. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe.
Wilson, C. Dean
2005 Ceramic Artifacts. In Excavations at LA 103919, a Developmental Period Site Near Nambé Pueblo, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, by S. L. Lentz, pp. 89–150. Archaeology Notes, 199. Office of Archaeological Studies, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
2010 Pena Blanca Ceramics. In Excavations Along NM 22: Agricultural Adaptation from ad 500 to 1900 in the Northern Santo Domingo Basin, Sandoval County, New Mexico, compiled by S. L. Post and R. C. Chapman, pp. 13–144. Archaeology Notes, 385. Office of Archaeological Studies, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
2013 Prehistoric Pottery from Pojoaque Corridor Project Sites. In Land Use, Settlement, and Community in the Southern Tewa Basin, Vol. 3: The Prehistoric Sites and Site Components, edited by J. Boyer and J. Moore. Archaeology Notes, 404. Office of Archaeological Studies, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, forthcoming.
© New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.
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