Ancestral Pueblo: Southern Colorado Plateau (Anasazi)Eastern (Mountain) AnasaziUpper San JuanUpper San Juan White Ware

Ware Name: Upper San Juan White Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2014

Some of the white wares produced in the Upper San Juan Region include mineral painted types that are similar to those produced in areas of the Northern San Juan Region and others that quite different. Those that are the most different from types defined for the Northern San Juan include organic painted types such as Rosa Black-on-white and Bancos Black-on-white that appear to have developed into Gallina Black-on-white. This variation seems to indicate both early links with regions to the west as well as a distinct local trajectory particularly in the southern most areas of this region that seem to reflect a long occupation by Towa speaking groups. Thus, it is possible to emphasize connections with different Anasazi regions using different white ware types. A full understanding of the nature and cultural significance of the connections between potters in Upper San Juan and surrounding regions will require further study.

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