Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonChihuahuaCasas GrandesCasas Grandes Decorated or Polychrome WareMadera Black-on-red

Type Name: Madera Black-on-red

Period: 1200 A.D. - 1450 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Mogollon
Branch: Chihuahua
Tradition: Casas Grandes
Ware: Casas Grandes Decorated or Polychrome Ware

Posted by Wilson 2014

Madera Black-on-red was defined by Sayles (1936). Most examples exhibit a red paste and a decorated surface that is usually a dark to deep red. While surfaces are well oxidized, carbon cores are common. Most but not all examples of this type appear not to be slipped. Comparisons of color on the undecorated interior versus decorated exterior surfaces may be useful in the determination of whether a separate slip was applied to a particular vessel. Vessel forms include bowls, jars and effigies. This represents the only bichrome type produced in the Casas Grandes region during the Medio period, and designs are similar to that noted in the simpler polychrome types such as Babicora Polychrome.. While the origin of Madera Black-on-red is unknown, the similarity of the overall effect to types such as Wingate Black-on-red and Pinedale Black-on-red may suggest a derivation in areas of the Southern Anasazi to the north. (DiPeso and others 1974). Decorations are in thick black pigment over a dark red surface. Designs are most common on jar and bowl exteriors. Design general consist of large triangles and scrols scrolls, and are usually organized in one or two bands framed by lines of medium thickness that circle most of the exterior surface.

DiPeso, Charles C., John B. Rinaldo, and Gloria C. Fenner
1974 Casas Grandes: A Fallen Trading Center of the Gran Chichimeca,Vol. 6: Ceramics and Shell. Amerind Foundation Publications 9(4–8). Northland Press, Flagstaff.

Sayles, E.B.
1936 Archaeological Survey of Chihuahua, Mexico. Medallion Paper 22. Gila Pueblo, Globe.

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Madera Black-on-red

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