Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande ValleySouthern Rio GrandeMiddle Rio GrandeMiddle-Southern Rio Grande Glaze WareArenal Glaze Polychrome

Type Name: Arenal Glaze Polychrome

Period: 1300 A.D. - 1350 A.D.
Culture: Ancestral Pueblo: Greater Upper Rio Grande Valley
Branch: Southern Rio Grande
Tradition: Middle Rio Grande
Ware: Middle-Southern Rio Grande Glaze Ware

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012

Arenal Glaze Polychrome was defined by Mera (1933). This type refers to very early glaze ware pottery with thin-lined designs in white clay paint on bowl exteriors (Mera 1933). This type has almost been exclusively defined for bowls which display polished red slip and painted decorations on both surfaces. Interior surfaces are decorated with a simple band of glaze-painted designs similar to that noted on early examples of Aqua Fria Glaze-on-red. Arenal Glaze Polychrome is mainly distinguished from Aqua Fria Glaze-on-red by exterior decorations that tend to occur directly below the rim and consist of simple arrangements of white clay designs in thin or thick lines on the exterior. Occasionally, exterior designs are in glaze paint and are outlined with white clay. Rim forms are straight and simple and typical of Glaze A rims. Arenal Glaze Polychrome is very similar to Heshotauthla Polychrome and Los Padillas Polychrome but is tempered with volcanic rock indicative of production in the Rio Grande regions similar to those noted in later glaze ware types occurring in the same area.

Similarities noted between Arenal Glaze Polychrome and contemporaneous Western Pueblo and slightly later Rio Grande glaze wares indicate this type reflects part of a gradual transition that seems to have involved the movement of populations from communities in west-central New Mexico and east-central Arizona to the Middle Rio Grande. This type also appears to have been produced during a very short period, limited to the very early part of the glaze ware period, from about A.D. 1300 to 1350. Likewise, the geographic distribution appears to be limited, occurring mostly in the area between Albuquerque and Socorro (Warren 1976).

Mera, H. P.
1933 A Proposed Revision of the Rio Grande Glaze Paint Sequence. Laboratory of Anthropology Technical Series Bulletin No. 5, Santa Fe.

Warren A. Helene
1976 The Ceramics and Mineral Resources of LA 70 and the Cochiti Area. In Archaeological Excavations at Puublo del Encierra, LA 70, Cochiti Dam Salvage Project, Final Report, 1964-1965. Laboratory of Anthropology Notes 78, Santa Fe,

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Arenal Glaze Polychrome bowl sherd (exterior surface)

Arenal Glaze Polychrome bowl sherd (interior surface)

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