Ancestral Pueblo: Greater MogollonJornada MogollonNorthern Jornada (Sierra Blanca)

Tradition Name: Northern Jornada (Sierra Blanca)

First posted by C. Dean Wilson 2012

The northern Jornada Mogollon region as first defined by Lehmer (1948) or Sierra Blanca region as defined by Kelley (1984) refers to archaeological manifestations occurring over large area including the slopes and drainages of the Sierra Blanca and Sacramento Mountains in Central New Mexico as well as the plains to the west particularly along the middle Pecos River and associated drainages. Pottery production is assumed to have occurred in upland and defined by several distinct ware groups reflecting the use of resources associated with this area. Pottery production appears to have spanned from the end the fifth century with the initial production of plain brown wares to the end of the seventeenth century with the abandonment of this region by Tomprio and Juamano groups.

The great majority of the pottery produced to the sequence in this region is reflected by the production of plain polished brown ware (Jornada Brown) vessels although this type was replaced by textured types (Corona Corrugated) during later periods. White wares are reflected by the long production of Chupadero Black-on-white and then brief production of Tabiro Black-on-white during later periods. Red wares include the long production of red slipped forms as well as a sequence of painted red ware.

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